2015 – 2016. APEX Infographics

| Client: Apex, Airline Passenger Experience

| Agency: Spafax

| Published: 2015

| Tasks: Information Design and Illustration

'Around the World in 43 Episodes'

| Client: Apex, Airline Passenger Experience

| Agency: Spafax

| Published: 2015

| Tasks: Information Design and Illustration

'Flight Fatigue'

| Client: Apex, Airline Passenger Experience

| Agency: Spafax

| Published: 2015

| Tasks: Information Design and Illustration

'Turning Down the Pressure' and 'APEX by Numbers'

| Client: Apex, Airline Passenger Experience

| Agency: Spafax

| Published: 2016

| Tasks: Information Design and Illustration

'Connectivity Chatter'